In My Own Words and Images: The MMS Video Documentary

Thanksgiving Greetings to all, understanding-mms-video.jpg

It’s not Thanksgiving everywhere, but it can be, since it’s really about exercising our innate capacity to be grateful in spite of the adversity that we are likely experiencing.

Everyone experiences adversity, bar none. We each get to choose what it will be. The grand opportunity that stands before us is learning that these experiences are optional, and changeable. No where is the need for a change of perception evident, than in the matters of health and disease.

Evidence is growing that we can “come back” from the most dire chronic diseases and restore our health, and many “tools” are emerging. MMS is one of them, and I have been involved in learning about it, experiencing it, and sharing my personal understandings as they have come. If it is to prevail as an accepted option, there’s more that we must do. And fortunately it’s all doable.

I have already posted an announcement about the MMS documentary, Understanding MMS: Conversations with Jim Humble. I’ll be leaving for Mexico (by car) on Monday, Nov. 26. However, I felt it important to bring additional immediacy to this initiative by speaking to you more directly, and obviously without rehearsal, through the medium that we will be using. So here it is. Please share with others as your heart is moved.


I don’t get in front of the camera often, but it is important to gather and produce this work.

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6 Thoughts to “In My Own Words and Images: The MMS Video Documentary”

  1. PHE


    I have listened to a few of your radio interviews now. You are a thoughtful person that helps broaden the horizons of othres. I wish you all the best in your endeavors and l look forward to your MMS DVD

  2. rick

    Buenos Dias Amigo & welcome to Mexico.. Would be happy to connect with you in anyway that works.. regular email is also on Skype for ‘talk free’.. not clear re ‘shooting’- you coming here- or my adding to your tapes? Look forward to helping in whatever way I can.. Do need a few of those magic bullet bottles ASAP to get things happening. A good friend runs the ‘Health shop’ here, and is Mexican, so perhaps he could order thru the woman there.?
    (would also very much like to know how she is getting it into the country- thru? ) Lots to connect on when possible. regards, rick

  3. Rick, thank you so much for your thoughts and well-wishes! Jim told us about a woman here who is selling MMS. I think we’re going to drop by for a visit. She doesn’t speak English (and we don’t speak Spanish), but I think we’ll have an interpreter. We’ll get the details on MMS availability through her.

    We’ll also visit the clinic while we’re here.

    I’d like to talk to you more about shooting in SMA…



  4. rick

    Adam, am a BTA (big time admirer) of your efforts.

    I also live in Mexico – in a nice little refugee camp called San Miguel de Allende- and like Oscar would very much like to purchase some MMS for my use and to be available to other people also.

    Getting things like MMS across the border can be difficult so info re how to purchase it within Mexico would be a great help.

    Wish that I could be ‘there’ to help out with the DVD project..(I am a artist- but also do film work-actually love the shooting and editing process)

    Am also involved in a Eco-Retreat project here and am 80% ‘raw fooder’ so am very interested in ‘spreading’ the word re MMS protocol.

    Thought occurs that might possibly be able to shoot some film here that might be of use to you there. SMA is very ‘alternative’ minded with lots of healing modalities being practiced.

    Please advise how many bottles in a case- and price of same, and we’ll be happy to add the price of your DVD to it..

    Here’s to that ‘better world’ that is available if we can get the ‘word’ out there..

    Is there a website for Jims clinic? Are there thoughts of other clinics in other locations? Thought occurs that other locations might make it more difficult to hassle or attack. Sad that vested interests have so much power in our world today.

    Take care amigo, and keep up the ‘good works’.. hope all goes well, rick

  5. Oscar, I’m leaving for Sonora today. Best wishes.

  6. oscar

    I’m glad you come to Mexico, I have reading about MMS and I’m interestet in buying & use it.
    It’s a little hard to get it here in mex so, if you comes to Gudalajara, I’ll like to be in touch.

    Please, send me a mail to know if it is possible.


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